So last night I had stop by to help my ex out. Didn't wind up going so well.. I had to jump off a balcony! Sounds crazy and it actually was complete insanity. I didn't get to badly injured, just hurt my shoulder from hanging off the balcony by one arm before i dropped myself not so gracefully to the But at least I know I'm stronger then I thought. lol. Not much else is going on, Still single and still sucks. But what can ya do? So many crazy things happen in my life. Between crazy drama with ex's, crazy nights with friends and everything in between my life isn't so boring. Hopefully next Friday I'll be snowboarding and sometime soon I'll be shooting up in the snow for my next photo shoot. We'll see how that goes. What little ass I have will be frozen off by the time I'm done for sure, but hopefully it looks decent. Well, I'm out for now. Time to get some sleep to start the insanity of the world again tomorrow. Much love...Latez~
I've heard we have had some good snows for snowboarding, but eh.. means nothing to me since I can't go. And the sun is finally out after being solid clouds and rain for the last few weeks. Abnormally long time for this area!
Anyways, I'm looking forward to your upcoming set!