Sorry it's been so long. I don't have internet where I moved to. I do check it from school but I cannot get on this site for obvious So I broke my ankle a month and a half ago.... I'm off crutches and finally outta the boot yesterday, back to Army life now...kind of lol.... So sorry I haven't gotten back to anyone...feel free...
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just added you. ^_^ glad youre feeling better. XD
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to everyone, and if I missed getting back to me hit me back up and I apologize. I've been on vacation and what was just supposed to be a week turned into 2 1/2 weeks. i Tore the tendons and ligaments in my ankle after an interesting night at the club. I was buzzed not drunk, and...
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I want you to be an SG so bad.
Hey, I've been doing well. Just really long days at work, but thats about to end.
Whats up with you? Hows life? I just found out I may be moving to Colorado springs.
Whats up with you? Hows life? I just found out I may be moving to Colorado springs.
Skate It
Hopeful Set
So my birthday was on sunday, and my friend had this brilliant idea... Snowboarding. We wound up going the day before and it was amazing. It was the second to last day of the season, and to be honest, I'm surprised there weren't more people. It was an amazing day. I just mainly kept myself from doing any crazy tricks, and I did pretty good...
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Thought you might get a kick out of this...
I took my little dog to the groomers today, spent 50 on getting him all cleaned and clipped, brought him home and let him out in the yard to pee....
My border collie peed on his head.
$10 nail clipping
$ 10 Bath
$ 30 Clip
Pee on clean dogs head... priceless.
Just thought I'd share, lol.
I took my little dog to the groomers today, spent 50 on getting him all cleaned and clipped, brought him home and let him out in the yard to pee....
My border collie peed on his head.
$10 nail clipping
$ 10 Bath
$ 30 Clip
Pee on clean dogs head... priceless.

Just thought I'd share, lol.
Update once in a while so I can perv on you, damn

Sorry it's been awhile. Not a lot has happened. Been going to club and dancing the night away. They opened up a new club in town and the grand opening night there was a false bomb threat. I knew about it fifteen minutes before we got kicked out. Pays to have friends who work there cuz my friends grabbed some more alcohol before the bomb...
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Oh, hrm... I think I have a cold or something too.. I feels terrible.
I got a lot more work done on my arm.. only one 2 hour session left to finish the entire sleeve. Though, I'm not sure when I'm going to get it done, I guess if I can't get enough for the trip to the Czech Republic, I'll have plenty to get it finished.
I've got 5 days until I shoot my next set, which should be fun (if I'm not sick... heh.)
Oh, and right now I'm watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but the volume is too low to acutally hear it all, but the main girl in the film is sooooo hot. I have no idea who she is. I must investigate...
I hope you are feeling better soon hun. Hmm.. I was out in Denver not that long back, how far are you from there? Just curious..
Take care.
I got a lot more work done on my arm.. only one 2 hour session left to finish the entire sleeve. Though, I'm not sure when I'm going to get it done, I guess if I can't get enough for the trip to the Czech Republic, I'll have plenty to get it finished.
I've got 5 days until I shoot my next set, which should be fun (if I'm not sick... heh.)
Oh, and right now I'm watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but the volume is too low to acutally hear it all, but the main girl in the film is sooooo hot. I have no idea who she is. I must investigate...
I hope you are feeling better soon hun. Hmm.. I was out in Denver not that long back, how far are you from there? Just curious..

Ahhh, I wish I could go snowboarding. I bought all new duds and I got a new board the end of last season... then like two days after getting a new jacket and snowpants I went to the doc and he said I was out for the season.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it was a good one. I was actually out in Denver on my last b-day. I was there under really bad circumstances though, so this next one I think I'm going to go to Vegas, or some place and have fun.
I am pretty much the same as usual, I think I'm still a bit sick though.
I did post pics of my kitties and my snowboard and such here.. If ya wanna look see.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it was a good one. I was actually out in Denver on my last b-day. I was there under really bad circumstances though, so this next one I think I'm going to go to Vegas, or some place and have fun.
I am pretty much the same as usual, I think I'm still a bit sick though.

So last night I had stop by to help my ex out. Didn't wind up going so well.. I had to jump off a balcony! Sounds crazy and it actually was complete insanity. I didn't get to badly injured, just hurt my shoulder from hanging off the balcony by one arm before i dropped myself not so gracefully to the But at least I...
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Pretty boring for me. I can't really do anything except walk a little bit. I was severely injured doing jiu jitsu like 11 months ago... Still trying to get better!
I've heard we have had some good snows for snowboarding, but eh.. means nothing to me since I can't go. And the sun is finally out after being solid clouds and rain for the last few weeks. Abnormally long time for this area!
Anyways, I'm looking forward to your upcoming set!
I've heard we have had some good snows for snowboarding, but eh.. means nothing to me since I can't go. And the sun is finally out after being solid clouds and rain for the last few weeks. Abnormally long time for this area!

Anyways, I'm looking forward to your upcoming set!

Wow.. I wish I could be snowboarding this weekend.. I am out for the season, have been the whole season. I'd love to do a shoot in the snow (I'd be modeling my cute ass board - I know it). Sounds cold, but fun.