Hello SG land! This may be a longish one. I've been a busy girl lately. So busy in fact I've barely been online, let alone this site, in almost 2 months.
Things at work are going as predicted. With my boss leaving it doesn't appear that I'll be promoted. There's been talk of not replacing him and restructuring the departments that worked for him but nothing has been decided. Things are functioning ok without him so why replace him when you can just keep giving the remaining people more work? I have no room to talk I suppose. I didn't get much new stuff when he left and I haven't had to work over time. Other things are still in flux with my personal life so I don't know if taking the career step up would be wise at this point.
Things have been going very well with the guy I complained a bit about in my last blog. So well in fact he's been a big reason I haven't been online. If we're not at work or at the gym we're almost always together and we're not sick of each other. I see a real future with him and he sees one with me. We went to see the Verve Pipe play last weekend with his group of friends. We all got pretty drunk and had a good time and his best friend pulled me aside and told me that Dr. BF is a really good guy. I told him I know. He said all of their friends really like me so far so I need to stop holding back when I'm around them. He also told me that Dr. BF loves the shit out of me. I already knew that because Dr told me himself. He hadn't said anything to his friends yet but apparently it's obvious to his BFF.
Dr. BF has really been struggling at work. If I worked there I would really struggle too. Half assing things in the medical field is not ok. His boss threatening to fire him when he expects people to be held accountable for not doing their jobs is not ok. His contract with that hospital expires in July, as does the lease on his apartment. He came across a job posting for a hospital in the city about an hour north of us where I've done a lot of photo shoots, that's very close to where Inkblot98 lives. He sent in his resume last Friday. He's worked over the phone with one of the practice vets a few times and they seem to have a good working relationship. It won't surprise me at all if he gets the job.
I've been in contact with my old boss and let him know what's been going on. He said that I really need to talk to the boss that's still there and tell him I'm concerned that it's not looking like I'm going to be promoted and maybe ask for more money since the girl we hired to replace me last time I was promoted still doesn't seem to be learning so I've keep a lot of the mortgage servicing duties. I also told him about Dr. BF applying for a job near where my old boss's house is, which his wife and kids will be moving out of once the school year is over to join him in Ohio. He said Dr. BF is welcome to buy the house, or even rent it. So I have some decisions to make.
I really see a future with this man. We'd talked about living together when his lease expires and he would just put up with the job he has now for another year. If he gets this new job he would have a place to live that would be plenty big enough for the two of us, our 3 cats, and all of our crap. It's in a city I could see myself living in. That city had crossed my mind before because it's closer to Inkblot98 and where I shoot and it's bigger than the city I'm in now. The timing just feels off. I wouldn't be willing to make the commute to my current office like my old boss did. I can't afford the gas. If I don't get promoted the remaining bosses may allow me to work remotely from home. There are so many variables right now it's a little overwhelming. I don't even know if he's going to be offered the job anyway so it's silly to worry about it.
Speaking of the lovely lady Inkblot98, I did a shoot with her a few weeks ago and just got a disc of the edited photos in the mail. I don't know how she makes me look so pretty!
I guess this was all a long way of saying I may be taking a hiatus from this site. I certainly won't be archiving myself since this is something I enjoy, I just don't have the time right now between work, Dr. BF, and half marathon training. The half is a little over a week away and while some time should be freed up after that I'm considering doing another in the fall so I may still not have much free time.
Things at work are going as predicted. With my boss leaving it doesn't appear that I'll be promoted. There's been talk of not replacing him and restructuring the departments that worked for him but nothing has been decided. Things are functioning ok without him so why replace him when you can just keep giving the remaining people more work? I have no room to talk I suppose. I didn't get much new stuff when he left and I haven't had to work over time. Other things are still in flux with my personal life so I don't know if taking the career step up would be wise at this point.
Things have been going very well with the guy I complained a bit about in my last blog. So well in fact he's been a big reason I haven't been online. If we're not at work or at the gym we're almost always together and we're not sick of each other. I see a real future with him and he sees one with me. We went to see the Verve Pipe play last weekend with his group of friends. We all got pretty drunk and had a good time and his best friend pulled me aside and told me that Dr. BF is a really good guy. I told him I know. He said all of their friends really like me so far so I need to stop holding back when I'm around them. He also told me that Dr. BF loves the shit out of me. I already knew that because Dr told me himself. He hadn't said anything to his friends yet but apparently it's obvious to his BFF.
Dr. BF has really been struggling at work. If I worked there I would really struggle too. Half assing things in the medical field is not ok. His boss threatening to fire him when he expects people to be held accountable for not doing their jobs is not ok. His contract with that hospital expires in July, as does the lease on his apartment. He came across a job posting for a hospital in the city about an hour north of us where I've done a lot of photo shoots, that's very close to where Inkblot98 lives. He sent in his resume last Friday. He's worked over the phone with one of the practice vets a few times and they seem to have a good working relationship. It won't surprise me at all if he gets the job.
I've been in contact with my old boss and let him know what's been going on. He said that I really need to talk to the boss that's still there and tell him I'm concerned that it's not looking like I'm going to be promoted and maybe ask for more money since the girl we hired to replace me last time I was promoted still doesn't seem to be learning so I've keep a lot of the mortgage servicing duties. I also told him about Dr. BF applying for a job near where my old boss's house is, which his wife and kids will be moving out of once the school year is over to join him in Ohio. He said Dr. BF is welcome to buy the house, or even rent it. So I have some decisions to make.
I really see a future with this man. We'd talked about living together when his lease expires and he would just put up with the job he has now for another year. If he gets this new job he would have a place to live that would be plenty big enough for the two of us, our 3 cats, and all of our crap. It's in a city I could see myself living in. That city had crossed my mind before because it's closer to Inkblot98 and where I shoot and it's bigger than the city I'm in now. The timing just feels off. I wouldn't be willing to make the commute to my current office like my old boss did. I can't afford the gas. If I don't get promoted the remaining bosses may allow me to work remotely from home. There are so many variables right now it's a little overwhelming. I don't even know if he's going to be offered the job anyway so it's silly to worry about it.
Speaking of the lovely lady Inkblot98, I did a shoot with her a few weeks ago and just got a disc of the edited photos in the mail. I don't know how she makes me look so pretty!

I guess this was all a long way of saying I may be taking a hiatus from this site. I certainly won't be archiving myself since this is something I enjoy, I just don't have the time right now between work, Dr. BF, and half marathon training. The half is a little over a week away and while some time should be freed up after that I'm considering doing another in the fall so I may still not have much free time.
Happy birthday Kirin! 

Happy birthday, gorgeous!