Verizon upsold me a shitty defective LG Revolution last October. I'm now on my third of this shitty defective phone. I asked what they plan to do about this since all of the replacements have had identical issues. The response I got was they would keep replacing them with the exact same phone which clearly comes only with defective software until I give in and pay for an entirely different phone. Mind you I'm not having issues with any apps I'm downloading, only the LG keyboard and processing software. Does anyone know how I can force Verizon or LG to either give me my money back or give me a phone that works? I'm quite frankly sick of being walked all over in nearly every part of my life and I've about had it with this piece of shit restarting itself while I'm in the middle of something or the keyboard taking minutes to crash while I'm trying to type something, the fucking weather app freezing the phone trying to update, and generally acting like about a million things are running in the background and everything moving slower than a computer from the 80's. No, this is not user error. I'm not a moron and I get along fairly well with technology. I have to pull the battery a few times a week because the whole phone freezes and won't do anything. I'm tired of this.
Stick with it and hopefully you will find someone willing to help.