I was randomly thinking my birthday this year is going to suck. I was thinking that because it will be my last in my 20's and my last birthday kind of sucked and I thought "Geez that was the worst birthday ever." Pretty much all of my friends either bailed on me or made it all about them. How hard is it to come over to my house for a few drinks and go out to dinner? GAH!
Then I remembered my 23rd birthday and thought that was the worst. My maid of honor and bridesmaid took me shopping for clothes to wear on my honeymoon cruise in a few weeks. They did such a good job convincing me that in the midst of my wedding everyone forgot my birthday. I ended up crying in a dressing room calling my fiance to tell him fuck shopping I'll wear what I already have and I'm coming home. He called one of the girls with me and told them to stop making me feel bad. They kept talking about the plans they had that night basically once they could get rid of me and how much fun they would have like they were doing me some huge fucking favor by giving me a few hours of their time. They finally took me home to a lackluster "surprise!" Everyone who had been waiting at my surprise party could tell that all was not well and things were weird and tense. My maid of honor said she was bored and was leaving. I kind of snapped. She didn't give me a bachelorette party or a bridal shower and had been totally useless as maid of honor. I walked out of my own apartment to avoid making a scene and of course she followed me and told me all about what a shitty friend I had been and how hard she had worked putting this surprise party together. My fiance had been right behind both of us and then screamed at her telling her she did nothing. Everyone left and I had no party.
But oh wait. My 12th was worse. The day before my 12th birthday I had been hit by a car because a 17 year old kid ran a stop sign. The cop tried to blame it on me saying I was the one who should have been paying better attention. The kid got off without a ticket and the fucking cop didn't even call me an ambulance. I couldn't walk and I hadn't been wearing a helmet and couldn't tell him if I hit my head or not. He was kind enough to cal my friend's mom who was with me so she could drive me to the ER since we couldn't get a hold of either of my parents because my dad was out of town on business and my mom was at her own doctors appointment. On my actual birthday I was home alone because my brother had to go to school, my mom was back at work, and my dad was still in Florida. Nothing in my knee was broken but there was soft tissue damage so I had crutches and it hurt like all hell and I wasn't up to going to school for a few days. I grew up in a 2 story house and decided to spend most of the day upstairs in bed watching TV since I was by myself. I got up and crutch/limped my way into the bathroom for some water. I remember looking at my watch and it was about 10:50am. When I was to the bathroom door the world went black, I knew I was falling, I knew I hit my head on the door but didn't feel it, and I was out before hitting the carpet in the hallway. I woke up around 11am to the phone ringing. I started crying and wasn't really thinking so I got up and answered the phone. It was my dad. He asked what I was doing home from school, why I was crying, and where the hell was my mom. I told him what happened and he got really concerned. He called his friend's wife who was a stay at home mom to come check on me. She came over and checked me out to make sure my head wasn't bleeding anywhere and I didn't have a concussion. When I fell I landed on me knee again so I got to be in that much more pain.
Yup, that was the worst birthday ever. I think I'll spend my next one alone doing something I want to do since friends fuck things up and if I leave the house I'll probably end up hurting myself.
Does anyone have a shitty birthday story to share?
Then I remembered my 23rd birthday and thought that was the worst. My maid of honor and bridesmaid took me shopping for clothes to wear on my honeymoon cruise in a few weeks. They did such a good job convincing me that in the midst of my wedding everyone forgot my birthday. I ended up crying in a dressing room calling my fiance to tell him fuck shopping I'll wear what I already have and I'm coming home. He called one of the girls with me and told them to stop making me feel bad. They kept talking about the plans they had that night basically once they could get rid of me and how much fun they would have like they were doing me some huge fucking favor by giving me a few hours of their time. They finally took me home to a lackluster "surprise!" Everyone who had been waiting at my surprise party could tell that all was not well and things were weird and tense. My maid of honor said she was bored and was leaving. I kind of snapped. She didn't give me a bachelorette party or a bridal shower and had been totally useless as maid of honor. I walked out of my own apartment to avoid making a scene and of course she followed me and told me all about what a shitty friend I had been and how hard she had worked putting this surprise party together. My fiance had been right behind both of us and then screamed at her telling her she did nothing. Everyone left and I had no party.
But oh wait. My 12th was worse. The day before my 12th birthday I had been hit by a car because a 17 year old kid ran a stop sign. The cop tried to blame it on me saying I was the one who should have been paying better attention. The kid got off without a ticket and the fucking cop didn't even call me an ambulance. I couldn't walk and I hadn't been wearing a helmet and couldn't tell him if I hit my head or not. He was kind enough to cal my friend's mom who was with me so she could drive me to the ER since we couldn't get a hold of either of my parents because my dad was out of town on business and my mom was at her own doctors appointment. On my actual birthday I was home alone because my brother had to go to school, my mom was back at work, and my dad was still in Florida. Nothing in my knee was broken but there was soft tissue damage so I had crutches and it hurt like all hell and I wasn't up to going to school for a few days. I grew up in a 2 story house and decided to spend most of the day upstairs in bed watching TV since I was by myself. I got up and crutch/limped my way into the bathroom for some water. I remember looking at my watch and it was about 10:50am. When I was to the bathroom door the world went black, I knew I was falling, I knew I hit my head on the door but didn't feel it, and I was out before hitting the carpet in the hallway. I woke up around 11am to the phone ringing. I started crying and wasn't really thinking so I got up and answered the phone. It was my dad. He asked what I was doing home from school, why I was crying, and where the hell was my mom. I told him what happened and he got really concerned. He called his friend's wife who was a stay at home mom to come check on me. She came over and checked me out to make sure my head wasn't bleeding anywhere and I didn't have a concussion. When I fell I landed on me knee again so I got to be in that much more pain.
Yup, that was the worst birthday ever. I think I'll spend my next one alone doing something I want to do since friends fuck things up and if I leave the house I'll probably end up hurting myself.
Does anyone have a shitty birthday story to share?
i had sex for the 1st time on my 22nd birthday, and i really do think i was raped. no joke.

Turns out you and I were born on the same day, which is consequently the day that St Francis Of Assisi died. And don't worry, something happens after you turn 30, and you no longer care to make a big deal about birthdays.