Big fat thank you to Zarphin for working on my baby yesterday, Milly The Mustang, my 2001 Mustang GT. She turned 10 this year and I've had her since 2004, the third owner in 3 years. In honor of her birthday I managed to smash the back quarter panel into the side of my garage when pulling out trying not to hit TaoAndCoffee 's truck parked in my driveway. I haven't gotten that fixed yet but Zarphin did change my oil, and made a huge mess while doing it. He also changed my battery, which was probably going to die completely pretty soon, and fixed the connections from the car to the new battery. Next on the list are my spark plugs and fuel filter but we didn't have time yesterday. I probably drove him crazy walking under my car in his shop asking what everything was and what it did.
Zarphin also found the mystery squeak in the back end of my car! He had my car up on the hoist and walked around and around shining a flash light poking at things and he showed me how the passenger side shock absorber was smooth and clean looking and the one on the drivers side had a line where metal and rubbed on metal. He believes this is the noise and while annoying nothing to worry about. Whew! It helps having an awesome mechanic who lets me follow him around asking questions.
i love it!