Since joining this site a little over a year ago I've made some really awesome friends. Some cyber and some real life. My best friend both from this site and in real life is Zarphin. Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of the day the love of his life passed away. He had to drive to the other side of the state to pick up his daughter for the weekend so he couldn't go to the memorial her mother was hosting. I came along to keep him company and to keep him from getting too sad. For the most part it worked! His daughter is 2 and is learning that all girls want what they can't have. Usually when he gets her she cries and acts like she doesn't want to be with him. She seemed excited to see me too so there was no pouting. I entertained her in the car until she fell asleep.
During the 4 hours in the car we had some interesting conversations. I talked about my cats and the things they do and he said I talk about my cats like a guy bitching about his girlfriend. I complain that they yell at me as soon as I walk in the door and then ignore me. They'll only cuddle in bed on their terms. It was a funny conversation and I'm glad I got to go and keep him from being sad.
We hung out today and he and his daughter ran my errands with me. Apparently after he dropped me off his adorable 2 year asked to come back to my house and she loves me. Awwww.
During the 4 hours in the car we had some interesting conversations. I talked about my cats and the things they do and he said I talk about my cats like a guy bitching about his girlfriend. I complain that they yell at me as soon as I walk in the door and then ignore me. They'll only cuddle in bed on their terms. It was a funny conversation and I'm glad I got to go and keep him from being sad.

We hung out today and he and his daughter ran my errands with me. Apparently after he dropped me off his adorable 2 year asked to come back to my house and she loves me. Awwww.
It was a great weekend, despite the bad time of year, you truly helped me keep it together, and of course having the little one helps too. Its been great getting to know you this year, you're truly one special lady. Even if you do have that crazy cat lady thing going on.

I don't think I need to tell you, but you are welcome to come with me to get the kiddo any friday you want. we'll have to leave a bit quicker though now you know the way it goes, so we could figure something out. Not this week I know, but anytime you want. I told you that drive was entirely different than any other I've had with her, and it made it so much less stressful and crazy. Thank you again, and no I won't stop being hard on myself. If I'm easy on myself I screw up even more.