Let's see. Yesterday I worked all day and when I was leaving work I realized the weather was beautiful so I went for a 4+ mile run. When I got done the sun was still up so I decided to mow my lawn since it was insanely long because of all the rain we've had since spring finally decided to show up. My grass was so long and thick in some spots it kept stalling my mower. I worked my way into the front yard and a few of my neighbors and their young kids were outside playing some ball game I've never seen before in the street. My new next door neighbor came over to say hi and finally introduce himself beyond saying hi through the fence when we both get home from at the same time. He's recently divorced, has a son and a daughter but only has very limited custody of his 5 year old son. I asked if he bought the house or was renting it because I HATED the renters next door before him. I'm pretty sure they were dealing drugs out of the house even when they were babysitting their grand kids. Not cool. The new guy said he had bought the house and my response was "Thank god! The guy who owned it was a nut job!" And I proceeded to tell him how the old owner came over early one weekend morning right after we moved in. He knocked on the door and my ex opened the front door to see a guy in a suit standing on the front porch extending a business card to him. He tried to shut the door thinking it was a salesman and the man kicked the door as hard as he could to keep it from being shut on him. My entire house shook. I got really scared and was wavering between grabbing the phone and calling the police because this guy was then yelling at my ex and had just kicked our front door open, and going into the entryway and yelling back at him. He finally said he was the owner of the house next door and he just wanted to introduce himself and he calmed down. So I tell my new neighbor I'm glad I won't be seeing this weirdo anymore. He looks sheepish and says "That was my dad. I bought the house from him. As his kin I apologize for his behavior." Open mouth, insert foot, cram down throat. This guy really did act like a psycho though. Who tries to kick a door open like that?
My new neighbor then asks if he can borrow my lawn mower when I'm done. I say sure because my grass normally grows so slowly it only has to be mowed a few times during the summer so an extra use is no big deal. Then he asked if I have wireless internet in my house. I say yeah, I only have my laptop. He asks if he can have my password. That's kind of odd... I'm paying a small fortune to the cable company to have internet because no one else services my area. I'm not sharing it with the neighbors for free. That reminded me though that I don't even know the password to the router because my ex set it up. I should probably fix that.
Even more oddly this week when I got home from work on Wednesday I went out the front door to check the mail and a business card fell from between the door and the frame. I picked it up thinking it was a solicitor's card but when I looked at it it was a business card for a local police officer with her direct extension written on it. I tried to call the number and it was after hours so the whole department was closed and I got her voicemail saying she wouldn't be back in the office until today. I tried calling this morning and got voicemail so I left a message this time and still have no clue what's going on. I'm sure if it was important she would have tracked me down another way or at least left a note saying what she wanted. I thought maybe the older guy that sits on his front porch all day saw someone trying to break in while I was at work and reported it and they just wanted to tell me something almost happened. Then I met my new neighbor and thought it was odd that he has partial custody of his son and not his daughter, That got me wondering if maybe he's a registered sex offender and the police are going around letting the neighbors know. I really have no clue and it's driving me nuts!

My new neighbor then asks if he can borrow my lawn mower when I'm done. I say sure because my grass normally grows so slowly it only has to be mowed a few times during the summer so an extra use is no big deal. Then he asked if I have wireless internet in my house. I say yeah, I only have my laptop. He asks if he can have my password. That's kind of odd... I'm paying a small fortune to the cable company to have internet because no one else services my area. I'm not sharing it with the neighbors for free. That reminded me though that I don't even know the password to the router because my ex set it up. I should probably fix that.
Even more oddly this week when I got home from work on Wednesday I went out the front door to check the mail and a business card fell from between the door and the frame. I picked it up thinking it was a solicitor's card but when I looked at it it was a business card for a local police officer with her direct extension written on it. I tried to call the number and it was after hours so the whole department was closed and I got her voicemail saying she wouldn't be back in the office until today. I tried calling this morning and got voicemail so I left a message this time and still have no clue what's going on. I'm sure if it was important she would have tracked me down another way or at least left a note saying what she wanted. I thought maybe the older guy that sits on his front porch all day saw someone trying to break in while I was at work and reported it and they just wanted to tell me something almost happened. Then I met my new neighbor and thought it was odd that he has partial custody of his son and not his daughter, That got me wondering if maybe he's a registered sex offender and the police are going around letting the neighbors know. I really have no clue and it's driving me nuts!

It was very nice meeting you at the Gala this weekend pretty lady! xx
It was great to meet you (finally!), and thanks again for all of your help! I really hope that you had a good time, and that you'll come back and see us again soon.