Oh my fucking god. I heard a rumor a few years ago that the doc who did my implants lost his license for drug use. At the time I thought "good, he was an asshole." Here is why I think he's an asshole.
When I was 19 my mom and I decided my boobs were never going to grow on their own and she was willing to pay for implants to make her little girl happy. My mom is fair skinned like me but was dumb when she was my age and tanned, which gave her skin cancer later in life. She had some reconstructive surgery done by this surgeon where cancer had been removed from her face and he did a great job. Unless you knew where to look the scars from the skin grafts were almost invisible. So we thought I should have work done by him too. He also came recommended by my mom's friend.
The doc and his assistant were all sweet and smiles...until they got my money and the surgery was done. After I was sent home I couldn't stop throwing up long enough to keep the pain meds down. In the middle of the night my guy called the doc's emergency line because I was in so much pain and couldn't keep anything down and was told tough. I was supposed to go back in around noon the next day to remove the bandages around my ribs that were supposed to keep the swelling down removed. A little while before going in another call was made to his office to see if I could have a wheelchair because I was too weak to walk all the way to the back of his building to the elevator, then all the way back to the front to his office because I had been puking all night and couldn't keep my pain meds down! We were told no. And if I was that bad off I would have to wait until the end of the day for the bandages to come off so I wouldn't scare off his other patients. They actually said that.
Everything healed fine and I was all excited the when I was given the ok to stop wearing a bra. The first time I got to feel sexy in a halter top we were t-boned by a dumbass lady running a red light. She hit right on my door and I had aches and pains, that were expected. After a few days my left pec muscle still hurt. I didn't want to panic so I waited a few more days and when the pain wasn't getting better I called the surgeon because I was worried the muscle was torn. After playing phone tag with his office it was clear they were not going to see me. Luckily it healed on its own.
So as some of you know I had sinus surgery a few days ago. That healing is going fine and my mom called today to see how I'm doing. We chatted and we talked about the fact that my implants are almost 8 years old. We remembered what an ass the surgeon was. While I was on the phone with her I googled him and found this court document. He is fucking insane!!! He believes he is infested with nanobots!!! Normally I have pretty good instincts and this guy gave me the willies but I was told he was a good doctor. Next time I will trust my instincts. I'm just glad he didn't disfigure me. In fact the opposite, he gave me wonderful boobs. I would like to say all's well that ends well, but he should be locked up.

When I was 19 my mom and I decided my boobs were never going to grow on their own and she was willing to pay for implants to make her little girl happy. My mom is fair skinned like me but was dumb when she was my age and tanned, which gave her skin cancer later in life. She had some reconstructive surgery done by this surgeon where cancer had been removed from her face and he did a great job. Unless you knew where to look the scars from the skin grafts were almost invisible. So we thought I should have work done by him too. He also came recommended by my mom's friend.
The doc and his assistant were all sweet and smiles...until they got my money and the surgery was done. After I was sent home I couldn't stop throwing up long enough to keep the pain meds down. In the middle of the night my guy called the doc's emergency line because I was in so much pain and couldn't keep anything down and was told tough. I was supposed to go back in around noon the next day to remove the bandages around my ribs that were supposed to keep the swelling down removed. A little while before going in another call was made to his office to see if I could have a wheelchair because I was too weak to walk all the way to the back of his building to the elevator, then all the way back to the front to his office because I had been puking all night and couldn't keep my pain meds down! We were told no. And if I was that bad off I would have to wait until the end of the day for the bandages to come off so I wouldn't scare off his other patients. They actually said that.
Everything healed fine and I was all excited the when I was given the ok to stop wearing a bra. The first time I got to feel sexy in a halter top we were t-boned by a dumbass lady running a red light. She hit right on my door and I had aches and pains, that were expected. After a few days my left pec muscle still hurt. I didn't want to panic so I waited a few more days and when the pain wasn't getting better I called the surgeon because I was worried the muscle was torn. After playing phone tag with his office it was clear they were not going to see me. Luckily it healed on its own.
So as some of you know I had sinus surgery a few days ago. That healing is going fine and my mom called today to see how I'm doing. We chatted and we talked about the fact that my implants are almost 8 years old. We remembered what an ass the surgeon was. While I was on the phone with her I googled him and found this court document. He is fucking insane!!! He believes he is infested with nanobots!!! Normally I have pretty good instincts and this guy gave me the willies but I was told he was a good doctor. Next time I will trust my instincts. I'm just glad he didn't disfigure me. In fact the opposite, he gave me wonderful boobs. I would like to say all's well that ends well, but he should be locked up.

Wait, you had a boob job? Why do I never notice these things?
you have such pretty eyes!