For those who commented on my last entry thankyou smile I am indeed still alive and really slack for not updating.

Not much is going on in my world these days. I am working hard with the end of the financial year coming up fast. Damn the ATO and the friggin politicians blackeyed
Its not every day that you get bitten by a spider.

Whats really at odds is that the spider is a redback.
owe. that's not good. I hope this post was made after seeking medical attention.

so, I'm not quite sure where in this fair state you are, but I just wanted to say hi and that there is talk of a WA meet happening here. The WA contingent seems to have shrunk dramatically recently, so it's always nice to see a new face smile
ah shit this is a fortnight late and god dear i hope ur ok..
are you ok?

nasty... i found one under my effin bed last year..

hope ur ok girl kiss
okay...so it seems there was a request to change my password and my account was logged out.

well, I certainly didnt do that.

who the hell hacked it????

hey that happened to me too - it's weird mad
So the pope died. I feel nothing. Does that make me a bad person? Am I going to hell? Does hell exist if you are an Atheist?

Carmilla and Charles are about to be wed. I feel nothing. Does that make me a bad person? HELL NO!

my head hurts from all this thinking.

if your going to hell, then i am too.
i thought of their wedding night... i'm going to hell via a psyche ward tongue
A day off today and I am starting it by sitting down on the net with a huge mug of coffee. THIS is what having time to yourself is all about. So very rare for me these days as D works the same as me now, no more shiftwork, so he is with me ALL the time. Feeling a little crowded but its all new...
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put some pics up of that. smile
its raining here, veging with coffee is alright wink
i had a friends list accident frown
A bbq, motorsport and beer.

Saturdays are so stress free.
woulda been a good weekend for you biggrin
i work saturdays frown
gosh, I cant believe almost a month has gone since my last update.

For those in the know, I didnt blow Valentines, and I am so happy. Thankyou to those of you who looked out for my best interest. As for sniffing petrol...I love the scent of it tongue

Went for a blood test on Friday, my body is out of whack and I do the...
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Man passing out in the shower can't be good eeek
Sorry I can't entertain you from way out here in LA. Hope you are feeling better smile
I got given a heart for valentines.

Its not on a card, or on a chain.

Its embossed on the pill I hold in my hand.

I want it. I dont want it. I want to feel like I havent in years. I want to float, fly and dream. I want my skin to melt when its touched, for every sensation to be amplified. To...
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did you or didn't you???
Hey honeypie kiss Sniff petrol, it's still cheaper. Seriously, but... Did the donor know it would blow the last coupla years? Bit nasty, if they did. Don't sweat it. Just be strong whichever choice you make smile

Catchya ooo aaa
I got tickets today for the Wizard Cup next Friday night. Its the closest I will get to seeing a derby. Cant get over the ticket price $17.85 for anywhere you want! I got mine and D's usual spot that normally costs $40.

Work is a real bore at the moment with deadlines and research. Its a dental surgery, not a business machine! Sometimes I...
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Hmm I dont come online for a month here and I am kicked from SG/AU?

Well, thanks for some warning.

Yeah the interstate trips are gold, I am trying to plan my next one so i get sydney instead of melbourne just for variety. I think I get at least 3 this year so should be fun. Exhausting, and booze filled but fun.
Amen to getting out of the office, find an excuse.
oh i LOVE hello blythe!

this was my impersonation of her

[Edited on Feb 10, 2005 12:15PM]
Gosh, I cant believe how long its been since I last updated! I must make more of an effort smile

Its so hot in Perth right now and I am consoling myself with lager, air conditioning and the cricket. Is there anywhere else I would rather be right now? Other than London, no wink

What has everyone got planned for the New Year?
Yes it's stinking hot in Perth, thankfully it's been bearable the past couple of days.
hehe, come back!
were you bad on Australia day? i saw some stuff over there in the news... tongue