Ahhhh work work work work work...have i said it enough if its not one thing then its the other lol. i sepnt the other day going all over toronto looking for battle royale...apperently no one has it the company that made it has gone out of business. so after a day of driving everywhere, i bought it off ebay. i really don't like ebay i ahve been screwed over once before and i must say that it hs scared me. so i also got a marriage proposal from a man at work who 5 minutes later asked me what my name was. honestly when i grow old i wanna be scenile. i would rather not know whats going on and not get punished for acting like an idiot. i guess thats something to look forward to when you grow old cause man oh man the food sure is not up to par with stuff we eat now...but hey thats another story.
off to work. *sigh*
off to work. *sigh*