Well I started this week
-went to work smothering with flu
-went to Tim Horton's ( Canadian coffee line), bought 40$ worth of coffee and breakfast foods, forgot to order mine.
-returned to a freezing building. Furnace ran out of oil, no oil trucks have oil on island.
- best friend came to say goodbye again. He's in the military, and was supposed to go back Friday, but due to state of emergency he had to leave in fear he won't get out at all.
- went to bathroom to cry, my manager gave me a snide remark about me faking being upset. I walked out front, grabbed my coat and mittens and said "sayonara suckers!", and went home sick.
I must of been exhausted ! I napped and woke up slightly better. The power is still alternating, but it is on long enough to charge devises and cook supper. I've been feeling well enough that I may have posted some topless pics in the "wet boobies" thread :s
Peace out SG!