I want a job that pays me a decent wage so I can buy a house and fly airplanes for fun and enjoy life. I've worked hard, been honest and fair, helped others who needed it when I could. I put in my time, got my bachelors and master's degrees, served 5 years managing dozens of people and millions of dollars of equipment, you show me something on a computer once and I usually get it, twice and I can teach others, run a restaurant & bar, saved my county thousands of dollars by hanging around for 8 months at 1/3 the pay of what I should have gotten for the work I did, and was recognized as being a great asset to the team by almost everyone at every level that I came in contact with.
So what the fuck is going on? Throw me a frickin bone here. I don't want to be a millionaire. I just want a decent job and a decent wage so I can live my life not work to live.
So damn sick of seeing stupid shitbags with no integrity and no work ethic get everything I ever wanted in a career and not even notice that they are hooked the fuck up. FUCK THAT.
So what the fuck is going on? Throw me a frickin bone here. I don't want to be a millionaire. I just want a decent job and a decent wage so I can live my life not work to live.
So damn sick of seeing stupid shitbags with no integrity and no work ethic get everything I ever wanted in a career and not even notice that they are hooked the fuck up. FUCK THAT.