went and saw the passion of the christ today. it made me think not in a religeous context. im an atheist, and thats that, but the seething crowds, jewish, roman, whatever, it doesnt matter, is what scared me about the movie.it made me think about the capabilities and evil of mob mentality, and the poignancy of that was drivin home as i thought about this month being the anniversary of the death of 800,000 tutsis in rwanda. 800,000 tutsis and moderate hutus were killed in civil fighting and watching that movie i thought about them and it made me sick how fucked up this world is. i thought about how buggered it is in irael where israel is under terrorist attack from hamas but the palentineans are constantly beaten down by the isrealis, and hamas although they edorse suicde bombers and bloodshed also perform charity duties such as healthcare and education. how can the israeli army expect to win when they buldoze the last trees in the palestinean capital when hamas delivers immunizations to the sick? the world is full of evil people. stop killing each other you god forsaken mother fuckers.
ahhhh! you have records on the wall in your profile picture. that rawks!