for the love of all that is holy can i get some fucking sleep? stupid shit occurs to me when i cant sleep. be it that my profile picture makes me look like the album cover to PrepSchool Rock: Volume IV. ....god dammit.
update: recap, i was honoree at student gallery this year which left me miffed as i was a finalist last year but my best friend chela was a finalist and got her face in the paper so i was happy about that. i also decided i won't be going to prom and will probably be having some sort of anti-prom. which would consist of me and someone else having sex. and drinking. and then egging the limos in front of my school.
update: recap, i was honoree at student gallery this year which left me miffed as i was a finalist last year but my best friend chela was a finalist and got her face in the paper so i was happy about that. i also decided i won't be going to prom and will probably be having some sort of anti-prom. which would consist of me and someone else having sex. and drinking. and then egging the limos in front of my school.
Yea, that's Isabelle, she's my man Dave's girl.