well today was a cool day I got to go fly around at 4500 f for about 3 hours life looks so much simpler from up there.
im away from home for a bit as work sometimes takes me and blink is left back at home and board. frown i wish i could be there to chear her up but for now i just have to...
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Yup ... Calgary the land of the beef-eating and the gay marriage-bashing. Did I mention I am moving to Vancouver as soon as I can save up some $$$$!!!

That sucks that Blink has over-conservative friends. I would go crazy for sure. It sucks when you feel inhibited not by your own inhibitions but by the judgements of others. I say .. Fuck dat shit.

p.s. Happy Valentine's Day to you both!!!!!! Enjoy!! My man lives in a land far away ... well not really but we can't be together today and I am bummin ..... have fun for me kay!!!
It's funny cause now when I meet people it is very rare to meet someone in Calgary who was actually born in Calgary .. so what does that say???? I want to get the fuck out ... I can't take the homogeny, conservative and lack of imagination. We tear down every piece of history and put up some garbage, monobot, corporate shithole. They are tearing down a block of 17th to put in a Shopper's a freaking block away from the London Drugs. How f'ed up is that??? I want out and I figure Van is the place to be. I like the weed-friendly atmosphere and the proximity to so many natural things ... mountains, lakes, ocean .... they are calling me.

Thanks on the pics! I don't think too highly of myself ... which is not to say that I don't like how I look .. but more to say that I do not buy into my own hype and prefer to think of myself as the idiot monkey butt I prefer to be know as. I think that adds to my charms!!!! Ha ha ... I am glad to meet another monkey lover!! Monkeys are the shit!!!! ooo aaa
My wife is the best I cant even describe I wish every good person in this world could know someone like her.
I know im a suck but I cant help it love
My wife is the best I cant even describe I wish every good person in this world could know someone like her. love
I know im a suck but I cant helit blush
wow what a crazy week i cant believe all the photos we took and not one of them are the size that is required for the posting site. shit
were not trying to hide or anything we just dont have any small enough to fit but this week we will make the effort to snap some off for our new friends.
hope every one had...
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Hiya Blink...i got this account for my man...but i'm the one who uses it...i think it's harmless fun and what we call in french "du charm" which means erotisism without being gross! i like it in here! haven't read the author you recomemnd, right now it's one book at a time...baby steps back into the world of reading! smile
God my wife rocks i wish everone could know someone like her love
xmas da and just starting this thing out well se how it goes getting ready to eat to much turkey and then fall into a coma
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kiss kiss kiss
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, new years baby!