Well I finally got my first pay check from Claire's it was way better than my last job that I was bitchin about. I am saving up to buy a new cell phone. I want a new razr the one with MP3. it's been soo F'ing hot here today it was 96! I went swimming and the watter was 85 I was like shit! it...
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Well I haven't Updated in a few So I guess it's time. I have uploadd some pics of me and my Girlfriend on her birthday. I have been working and so far so good. I have Desided to breed my Pug and I have been getting alot of greef from people who feel there "top"breeders telling me this and that and calling me a back...
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breeding dogs is a big responsibility. have you done research into the background of both the mother and your pup there?
Cute doggie!

this heat shit needs to STOP!
hello its like the end of the world! dinosaurs are melting and stuff!!
hello its like the end of the world! dinosaurs are melting and stuff!!

Thanks for the piercing compliment! Still no word on the money... He left me a really rude and unconvincing voicemail telling me that he's gotten no mail in my name. Well, considering the time your payment and another that I was expecting were sent out, they should've been there long-since. He's such a fucking asshole.
My boy and I are currently broke from this moving thing, but as soon as I can afford it, I'll send the cam out.
My boy and I are currently broke from this moving thing, but as soon as I can afford it, I'll send the cam out.
Today has been an ok day so far. I went back to the gym for the first time in like forever and my leggs are all sore I need a rub down any takers?
I have mapped out a diet for myself so I can eat better and manage my weight. I really want to get it better shape. I am so bored I could...
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Hellooooooooooooo dear! I see you all over the boards and have never thought to say hi... short attention span. I recall you saying you were waiting on a response for your set (I believe...) a while back... any word?
I need to start going to the gym again. I was going to start runing cuz I haven't done it in forever but no one will run with me
I need to start going to the gym again. I was going to start runing cuz I haven't done it in forever but no one will run with me

Good luck lady, I'm rooting for you!
I have started my new job this past monday and so far I like it. It's alot of work for only 6.75 an hour as a manager!
but it's better than what I had befor. other than that all has been well and good and I havn't really been on the net much due to partting with some out of state friends. I am so...
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so um any news on wether or not you going to be able to come to cedar point? Oh and I just got through browsing you pics and would like to add that your booblies are fantastic. That is all thank you very much

just stopped by to say hello new friend. thanks for the add.
Hey, whats up!! thanks for all the sweet comments! your awsome!
Today has went well, I haven't started my new job yet. I just have been getting weird IM's today. Don't you just hate it when people try to force you into cyber sex!?!? what the fuck is with that! it's like
Me:Hey whats up
Jon: hey A/S/L?
Me:19 F Det.MI.
Jon: oh cool ..wanna see my cock?
I'm like what the fuck!!?!?!?!?
I hate this....
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Me:Hey whats up
Jon: hey A/S/L?
Me:19 F Det.MI.
Jon: oh cool ..wanna see my cock?
I'm like what the fuck!!?!?!?!?
I hate this....
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non its a mirror picture
you love for ?:p

you love for ?:p
heya pretty!!! hows life in your neck of the woods, minus the cyber pervs?? hpe all is lovley
i rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeallly want you to be pink that would make my year for you to have a set up;
i rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeallly want you to be pink that would make my year for you to have a set up;
Well I had an interview this past friday at Claire's Accessories store It's in my local Shopping Mall. I think I will like the job seeing as how I shop there. I hope I get it .
I have also been hanging arounf SG and I have found that someone has been swipping our PSW set pics. they have stolen pics of me and put...
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I have also been hanging arounf SG and I have found that someone has been swipping our PSW set pics. they have stolen pics of me and put...
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Again they swipin pics. Send me the link to that page or blog whatever it is.
It seems everyone on here is lookin for jobs and stuff or is waiting for a call back or something. I hope me you and everybody else gets what theyre hoping for.
and more
It seems everyone on here is lookin for jobs and stuff or is waiting for a call back or something. I hope me you and everybody else gets what theyre hoping for.

I am at my wits end as far as work I had a pay check of $10.27 today and that is to last me 2 weeks until payday again I only work 4 hours a day one day a week at my current job I fucking hate it!! I need new work soon or I will be poor! I really need a pick me up...
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What would I like to do with you? I could get quite naughty and vulgar here. Let's just say I'd like to demonstrate my favorite sexual posistion with you!!

What would I like to do with you? I could get quite naughty and vulgar here. Let's just say I'd like to demonstrate my favorite sexual posistion with you!!

You're always sexy...wow--what a view.
hi, i'm kinda new to the whole SG community thing and i'm still trying to make friends, so i thought i'd drop by and say hi =) i hope you don't mind me commenting on your journal...i've just been readin through a few of your old entries to try and find out a bit more about you, and i just wanted to say that i think you seem like a really nice person to know =) oh, and i really like your new hairstyle, by the way...it really suits you =)
i have to say...i totally sympathise with you regarding the whole job hunting thing. i'm totally broke at the moment, and unless i can raise some cash and fast, my fiancee and i are going to be evicted from our flat at the end of the month =/ i hope things go better for you in the job department than they are for me!
anyways, i'll stop wasting your time now...heh. it'd be really nice if i was to see you around sometime =)
i have to say...i totally sympathise with you regarding the whole job hunting thing. i'm totally broke at the moment, and unless i can raise some cash and fast, my fiancee and i are going to be evicted from our flat at the end of the month =/ i hope things go better for you in the job department than they are for me!
anyways, i'll stop wasting your time now...heh. it'd be really nice if i was to see you around sometime =)
yes yes sugar daddy all the way!!
you just have to go to school
move to LA and go to MUD
get that sugar daddy 1st though!
you just have to go to school
move to LA and go to MUD
get that sugar daddy 1st though!

and one of Libertys puppys lives in Grand Blanc Michigan lol .. In fact ill be there next week for my best friends wedding
I know that SOME people use the dogs in a very bad liught .. but the TRUE dog .. the one who is brough up with love and care . arent the ones you see on TV or see being mean
im glad you thought they were cute tho .. thanks for the comment