SO I am thinking about picking up the pieces and persewing a shoot for SG'dom again and I am thinking of changing my name to something more SG like and not so Yahoo messenger like... HUH i just come to love baybepurple but lets admit it does sound like you know cyberspace-ish not real name-ish. SO I really need all my friends to give me there thoughts on this should I change it to something more realistic?

Hmm, well to be honest, I don't know if your name is going to increase your chances of being accepted as an SG all that much.
I do agree though, "baybepurple" does sound straight out of someone's AIM or YIM buddy list. I went with Willowmoon, not because Willow is my real name but because I am into the Magicks and Witchcraft and "Willowmoon" is my craft name. Perhaps you have some part of your personality, a part kept private from most people in your everyday life, that you could form a name from?
I really do think that you should try to shoot another set though. You're very gorgeous. And I think you are in the running with me and Kilo for the biggest amateur boobs on SG.