So I was having a good day today until I went o work. I got there and my district manager was there and you know what happen an hour after I was working The bitch fired me!!!! I GOT FIRED TODAY OMG!!!!!!!!1
I cried so hard and made a big ass scene the reason being was because i bought some item at the wrong promotion price. I was pissed I still am pissed I need a hung and my bills paid. What to do. What to do.
I cried so hard and made a big ass scene the reason being was because i bought some item at the wrong promotion price. I was pissed I still am pissed I need a hung and my bills paid. What to do. What to do.

that sux getting fired makes one feel like shit but its always fun drinkin with coworkers after they feelbad so they buy u drinks get it? lol
God that sucks baby! Hope things will be okay for you!