Well I finally got my first pay check from Claire's it was way better than my last job that I was bitchin about. I am saving up to buy a new cell phone. I want a new razr the one with MP3. it's been soo F'ing hot here today it was 96! I went swimming and the watter was 85 I was like shit! it felt like takeing a warm bath in a hudge outdoor tub
Also my sister had her Avon Bash and it went so well we just wish we could have had a bigger group of people. We plan to have another one some time at the end of aug. or Sep. That will be a blast. I have been going to bally's but not really eatting the way I should. Still awaiting my web cam
Can't wait till it gets here.
Cec and I playing around with the cam.
hope everyone else has been well
Cec and I playing around with the cam.
hope everyone else has been well
and one of Libertys puppys lives in Grand Blanc Michigan lol .. In fact ill be there next week for my best friends wedding
I know that SOME people use the dogs in a very bad liught .. but the TRUE dog .. the one who is brough up with love and care . arent the ones you see on TV or see being mean
im glad you thought they were cute tho .. thanks for the comment