Bowling was great.
Idea stolen from Sky
1. Who took your profile picture? Dead_pixel_photo
2. Exactly what are you wearing right now? T-shirt and shorts
3. What is your current problem? Not enough time or money
4. What makes you most happy? Cuddles
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? Husky Rescue - Gasoline Girl
________________________________________________________Chapter 1:
1. Nickname? Kin
2. Eye colour? Greeny browny
3. Hair colour? Mahogany according to the stuff I used to stop being dirty blonde.
4. Height? 5'9.5
________________________________________________________ Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parent(s)? Yes
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? Yes.
3. Are your parents chill? My dad is
4. Do you have any Siblings? Two sisters
________________________________________________________ Chapter 3:
1. Ice Cream? Vanilla
2. Season? Summer/autumn
3. Book? Undecided due to variety of choice
4. Colour? Greens reds silver
5. Food? Undecided due to variety of choice
6. Drink? Coke
9. Pen color? Green
10. Store? Boarders
11. Hero? Samurai Pizza Cats
__________________________________________________________ Chapter 4:
1. Write on your hand: No
2. Call people back? Only if I like them
3. Believe in love? Yes
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Usually, but my side got stolen recently
___________________________________________________________ Chapter 5:
Have you ?
1. Kissed Someone in the past 24 hours? Yes
2. If so, where?Around the house
3. Had PHYSICAL therapy? No
4. Gotten surgery? Dental
5. Taken painkillers? Yes
6. Overdosed on pain killers? No
7. Been stung by a bee? When I was little
8. Threw up in a doctors office: No
___________________________________________________________ Chapter 6:
Who/what was the last
3. Thing you touched? Mouse
4. Thing you said?"Hullo"
7. Person you hugged? Tragique
8. Person you talked to on the phone? Pancake Pete
11. Last book you read?I don't know, this has depressed me and made me realise how busy I am.
12. Last time you cleaned your room? Last week
13. Last time you talked to someone you liked? One minute ago
________________________________________________________Chapter 7:
1. Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you liked? In bed
2. What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today? Showing Tragique around the farm
3. How many best friends do you have? Lots of good ones
4. Would you rather get up early or sleep in? Sleep in
5. What piercings do you want? Maybe some more
6. Does the thought of marriage scare you? No
7. What would you like to change about your life right now? Less distance between home and Stoke
8. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? If I know it's a lie and it amused me then totally that.
9. What's on your bedroom floor? Furniture
10. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? School friend who drinks too much
11. Do you trust people easily? Depends on the vibe I get from them
12. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? Somewhere warm with casual recreational drug laws and nice local cuisine.
13. Do you think you're good looking? Nope
14. Could you go a day without eating? Haha no, I'm a glutton.
15. How much do looks matter to you? I'm probably more shallow than I like to think
16. How do you feel about P.D.A.? Ambivalent
17. When was the last time you had your hair cut? Um, I don't remember, October I think
18. Would you rather be mad or sad? Mad
19. Does it take a lot to make you cry? Sad music or a good emotional movie or tv show
20. What's the worst car accident you've ever been in? Ran into the back of a car that emergency stopped in front of me
21. Are you tight with your mommy? Yes
22. How do you like your steak cooked? Rare, maybe with a nice garlic sauce
23. Do you tell your parents everything? Everything that won't scare them
24. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? Bird, wish I could fly...
25. Name one fear you have: Being forgotten.
Intriguing stuff dude.