Eleven hours of train travel, fifty pounds on train tickets, twenty pounds on a hostel for an evening, ten pounds on an oyster car, a lot spent on alcohol, one hour of sleep in thirty six hours. Add this all together and you get the best night out I've had this year. Let it never be said that the people of SGUK don't know how to enjoy themselves. Was great seeing everyone who was there, met some ace new people, caught up with some others who I hadn't seen in a while, and finally got to meet some of my awesome friends list at last, and had a Hell of a party in the process. Special thanks of course go to TheQuestion for having his birthday, but there were so many people I met that made it a great evening. Can't wait to see the pictures.
haha no, not yet, but im working on it 

awesome to meet you
it sure counbts as a pokje, you had a good time then