So the big day is tomorrow, I feel like such a sissy because I'm feeling so absoloutley shakey and nervous. Did I mention I don't like needles? Yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit that they freak me out. Sure I give blood and all that, but only because I feel I have to, this is the first time I've done anything with needles I don't feel obligated to do. On a good note Pisschrist has offered to come along as well, so I have someone else to distract me from the gutt churning fear, so kudos PC <3. God I wish I could have a drink right now.
drink lots. water/irn bru/lucozade/whatever.
imagine that it's going to hurt. a lot. you'll then be pleasantly surprised.
you'll be with friends, who've been tattooed, so they know what it's like and they're not going to mock you (much)
focus on what you'll get and the end, and how much it'll be worth it.
see? easy. ish.