Okay gang it's time for the big cut, removing a bunch of people from my friends list. So I'm sorry If we haven't met in person but I've been away so long that I feel the need to start over, so internet people are the first victims.
Edit: I purged all my inactive friends at the same time, I feel so mean.
Really meant to elaborate on that last post, but I've been just a tad busy. I'm primarily back to start deleting myself from the site, however as I've missed chatting to people on here I'll be around for awhile anyway, although looks as though lots of people have also disappeared since I left.
Stressful times at college, so many hand ins and not enough time. With the work load I've had I just haven't dealt with it at all well, and have applied for first year of the BA rather than the second as I should have been doing. As it is my application was in late due to me being a bit dense, so will probably end... Read More
the stresses of art college sucks man, i know it well - just finished my BA. You have a realistic look at the future for your application, but at least you know you have options which is always good. If its what you want to do then you just gotta do what you gotta do (pardon the clich motivational line).
I'm so ridiculously excited about going to Amsterdam that I can barely contain myself. It'll be my first holiday in years, and my very first one with Tragique, even if it is only a weekend away it'll still be great. I can't even find the words to express myself. What better than a chance to soak in new culture on an adventure with friends?... Read More
I'm rubbish at blogging lately, and even this is a quick update. I've nearly finished college for the year, just a few units to hand in and all is well. I applied for a job at tesco and got it, just eleven and a half hours to start, and will be doing 6am starts, but I'm still feeling quite happy about it.
Disregard previous statement, will be sticking around, just need to be lurking on here less and make more effective use of my time to get college work done.