I'm turning 36 in 3 days. Ain't that scary...? Well, not so much. Glad I made it - as I always say, every year is a victory in itself when you've made it through relatively unscathed. And as my parents say, as long as you're in good health, you can't complain. Very true, that is.
What is strange though is that I realized that 2009 will mark the 20th anniversary of my life actually starting. Yes, it's in 1989 that I started (somewhat) enjoying my and life's decadent ways. I had just turned 16 and like every other teenager, I thought I was on the verge of something big. Every day was new with hopes and promises, possibilities and discoveries. You experience things in such a different way when you're that young.
Anyhoo, not here to dwell on those distant times. The main thing that gets really odd when you grow up is not necessarily you or what happens to you but what concerns others and how they grow up. I'm at that age where I could have a 16 year-old kid myself
...and a lot of friends have kids/families and/or live like they're already 15 years older than I am. I've always felt "younger" than most throughout my life - at least the way I acted through it because my mind feels like it's a million years old most of the time - and this is why putting an age on yourself feels all kinds of strange.
10 years ago I probably wondered how I had gotten to 26 so fast and if I'm still around in 10 years, I'll be wondering where my first 36 years went... We human beings are funny like that.
Thanks for reading my ramblings - hope it kept you busy for 5 minutes.
In the end, as long as we're alive - it's all that really matters. Hope you all have a great Xmas.
En fait les gens que je connais n'ont pas survcu a l'Angleterre plus de quelques mois car l'integration a l'air vraiment pas evidente... Il n'y a que deux potes a un ami a moi qui semblent bien s'y retrouver a Londres, mais ils connaissaient deja la ville et des gens sur place.
Je me dis depuis quelques annees que ce serait une bonne occasion de voir autre chose et me remettre a parler anglais (parce que la je trouve mon niveau limite inacceptable a l'oral compare a celui que j'avais quand je vivais avec des etrangers :/ , deja que j'ai toujours eu de l'accent )... Mais pour le moment je suis trop juste financierement pour prendre une telle decision. Mais la vie est longue quand on a 21 ans
A propos, j'ai lu ton dernier post, ca rejoint ce que des potes trentenaires me disent souvent, du coup je me dis que je dois vraiment me bouger le cul pour ce que je veux vraiment faire, car les annees defilent trop vite depuis que je suis ici, et j'ai tendance a trop me bouffer le crane au lieu de me lancer.
Sinon: la photo en spoiler est abusee, je suis celibataire et je le vis mal, merde...