Today, thanks to a slow day at work, I stumbled upon a great website and managed to fix my Casio Exilim Z1000 that had been suffering from the dreaded "Lens Error" problem for 3 weeks.
Background: I bought this camera last year, almost never used it and never dropped it once. It just happened, one night, that the lens decided to get fucked up.
After a bit of initial research, I found out that it would cost me $129 to have it repaired by Casio... so there was no way it was going to happen, since I had bought it for $250. I was obviously pissed off but what can you do. It's just electronics, right?
So yeah, I fixed it myself. I would be quite happy with the situation if it wasn't for the fact that my new Canon PowerShot SD1100 should be delivered by FedEx sometimes tomorrow (yup, I had decided to buy another camera).
Of course, I could now return it when I receive it and only lose about $30 for the shipping + cancellation/processing fee, which would still bring about $180 back in my pockets... but I kinda like that Canon one... and who knows how long the Casio will live on...?
So I don't know if I should keep both, now that I have planned to start taking pics again.
That was a random entry, wasn't it. I was bored with the old one anyway.
Expect a better one sometime soon. I'm working on it, I think.
Background: I bought this camera last year, almost never used it and never dropped it once. It just happened, one night, that the lens decided to get fucked up.
After a bit of initial research, I found out that it would cost me $129 to have it repaired by Casio... so there was no way it was going to happen, since I had bought it for $250. I was obviously pissed off but what can you do. It's just electronics, right?
So yeah, I fixed it myself. I would be quite happy with the situation if it wasn't for the fact that my new Canon PowerShot SD1100 should be delivered by FedEx sometimes tomorrow (yup, I had decided to buy another camera).
Of course, I could now return it when I receive it and only lose about $30 for the shipping + cancellation/processing fee, which would still bring about $180 back in my pockets... but I kinda like that Canon one... and who knows how long the Casio will live on...?
So I don't know if I should keep both, now that I have planned to start taking pics again.

That was a random entry, wasn't it. I was bored with the old one anyway.
Expect a better one sometime soon. I'm working on it, I think.
keep both! you never know if one will break or get lost. plus with two cameras, you & N can now take pictures at the same time 

Random entries can sometimes be more interesting.