OK cool down, do it again... (shorter this time). Some news & facts:
- Brilliant Hanoi tour, many memories to keep smiling about for a long while. But too much to drink & smoke + no sleep = I'm a wreck
- Went to see "Underworld". What I expected... a 2h promo video totally devoid of any substance. What a shame... This is the age of toilet cinema: get in, relax and let go, wipe and forget instantly. And the Skinny Puppy song that's on the soundtrack wasn't even in this useless movie (can't call that a film)

- Still looking for a job. Tougher than I thought it'd be. Looks like every country's economic situation is crap these days. Still, there are some insanely paid jobs in London... gotta find one & f**k off somewhere in the sun... mmmmmmmm...
- Winter is coming

- I need a girlfriend badly. I am sooooooooooo bored of sleeping alone night after night. I miss being loved by someone

- I bought another sound card yet AGAIN

I know it's a joke but the other one was faulty and I had to return it to the shop, wait for the refund, etc... fingers crossed this week I might finally have one that WORKS. Is it really too much to ask??
- It's cool that there's a SGUK meetup this week-end, thanx to Spikey

- I don't know what to eat tonight (don't know if I actually have anything to eat at all at home!!)
- And finally... I missed you guys

What's keeping you awake these days?
Soounds like you had a great time with the Hanoi tour, I wish I could see tham, I already got positive reviews from afew Finnish Friends.
Jobs in gereral suck and the only thing worse than having one is looking for one.
Luck to you on the hunt.
The kids across the road keep me awake.