Still in school, working a bunch, just got out of a relationship, moved again, anything else you wanna know just lemme know.
hi nice pro smile i visited atlanta one time...in 2004 smile but only for 4 days if u want check my pics and pro
I am back in school, and am starting to have a little fun now that Im not working so much now... I am having doubts about my job and whether I should stay or make a change... I feel now that I need to have more fun, sure a few encounters a month and tough laughter make the days go by quicker, but without drugs,...
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hey kido.. just sayin hi!
My Living Hell

I need Something for Certain
Perhaps I need a Certain Something
Even in Familiar Places
I move about like a Stranger
Lying in my Bedroom
I am far away from Home
The Phantom is Upon Me
He Fills my Heart with Fear
and my Soul with Comfort
Years Pass by and I
Still Don't See
What it should Mean to Me
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Ballad of an Undying Woman (Sand Castle):

A Grain of Sand Swirls In the Tide.
Tossed Amoungst the Waves.
Until it Falls Upon a Beach
And Plays Part in the Builting of a Castle.
We Are Among the Few
Which are Built Away From the Sea,
So not to be Easily Taken With the Waves.

You Inspire me to be so much more,
than I...
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that's really cool! I like it!
My Soul,
Inside cannot be whole.
Given the presence of my sleeve ornament,
It seems that everyone has their share of it.
Always returning it,
With the warranty destroyed.
I wish I could pull it in and hide behind it,
But my arm seems to be endeared by it.
I wish I had something to prove the lunacy of fearing this.
I like people, I...
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This is to you, the one and only. Without you, I will be always lonely.

This is to the one who stole my heart, right from the start.
Like a dart in the midst of the dark, from cupids quiver.
The thought of never seeing you again makes my whole body shiver.
I only need you in my life, you kept me on the right....
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Well, everything is all good in the hood. Ive realized I dont need certain things in my life... and its all good, Ive been having parties every weekend at the Hyatt in Marietta, and anyone is invited, whoever wants to attend one of these parties can hit me up, Ill get back to you.

'til next time.
Hey again!

We met at Oryon's birthday get-together out at ESL a while back... I've been following your journal and such, even if I don't leave any comments. Just wanted to take a sec to say hi again, and let you know you're always welcome out with the SGATL.

Hit me up sometime.

Well, I had some extra money laying around... so I went out and bought a $500 suit, and I think it looks great... ya know, because I have do dress nice now to talk to people, because for some reason being myself didnt interest people at all... I have stories, but Im not into telling stories, or talking about people, but I love talking about...
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Work, the one thing that keeps my mind off of other things that shouldnt be thought about. School, a hope for the future that my never come. Family, all I have right now.

I work about 60 hours a week now, and Im on the road for another 15 hours a week at least, I find little time for sleep, because my spare time is...
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