Lucky for me it's cause I've been keeping myself busy until, well, now.
Lets see, what's new on these almost 60 days...
I continued working on school proyects, art department (seems like they want to keep me there). I did one as prop master, great short film, kinda cyberpunkish, loved the idea and the crew, it was very friendly and the work went smoothly. Here is a pic...
I also did one as art director, a short love drama, not my favorite story, but I got the chance to take control of a team and apply what I've learned. That one went good until the last day.
See, I believe that if you take a repsonsability it must be till you are done with it, no halfways. This girl I'm used to work with took costume department responsabilites on this film, I asumed she was aware of what that meant. I asumed wrong. Now, this is a really long story that really ruined those days for me so i won't go into details, all I have to say is that people, you hard working people, always do your job till it's finished, not halfway, not passing your duties to somebody else.
The other film I'm still working on, art director also. It's a short comedy about this italian girl that is going to her first communion and has to deal with the antics of her very catholic and excentric family. This one seems like fun, and I'm co-leading the team with a good friend of mine, we work good as a team.
As for school itself, it's officially over, I am a proud graduate of the first class of Bande Apart, directing course. We had a very simple ceremony to present the diplomas and a party afterwards, it made me chuckle when I recalled all the uptightness of my college graduation. Right now all that is left is work on some summer proyects and write. Just write, no more practice, no more exercises; this is it, the real thing, it's my turn to start producing.
To tell you the truth it's both scary and exciting, but i guess that being scared won't get me nowhere, so i have to face the bull and grab it by the horns (so to speak). Good news is that one of my best friends is moving to Barcelona, I'm sure that him being around will encourage me to tackle this moment of my life.
Also, i started a sports related blog to keep my journalism muscle working, it's in spanish but i know that some of you can read it, so, go visit even if it's just to increase the traffic.
Other than that, just enjoying the summertime, so, you too enjoy it and drop a line, let me know how it's going for you,
cheers boys and girls