Hello there fellow SG lurkers and friends, how is it going?
Hopefully the weather near your personal burrow is getting better, here at Barna things are starting to look up, last couple of days were sunny and not so windy, so it's safe to say that lady Persephone has finally arrived, but in order to be anally precise and official, let's say that today, March 20th at 17:32 UT spring will arrive with the Spring Equinox. It's really quite interesting how different cultures view something as numerically precise as an Equinox, which from an entirely scientific POV is nothing more than a certain moment of the year in wich the Eart axis tilts neither away nor towards the sun, thus making day and night roughly last the same. Yet, humans, in our endless quest to find meaning to everything, have assigned value and significance to something completely natural, which in my humble opinion is just fascinating. The capacity of human brain to create and express out of randomness and sometimes precise order is amazing, so, I ask you...
does springtime arrival and the equinox have any particular meaning (material or spiritual) to you?
And now for something completely different,
Last week a friend from Venezuela came to visit me. She and I went to high shcool together, she recently moved to Oviedo (Asturias) to begin a training course for the MIR test, basically the test that all M.Ds have to take to begin their graduate studies.
I have to say it was a pretty kickass experience.
We got together with a bunch of people from Maracaibo (and I learned that Poblenou is Miami but next to the Mediterranean Sea) and went out a couple of nights. Thursday we got to this really nice venezuelan restaurant called Taramai (Pere IV for those in barna), had real venezuelan food and then went for a couple of beers at a bar downtown. Friday I took her to a party from my school, our Screenplay teacher was making a little farewell party cause we had our last class that day. I gotta say I'm gonna miss that guy, best teacher I've had in such a freaking long time. Saturday was venezuelan food encore and then we got to this club called Roxy where a the DJ plays latin music all night. Sure, not exactly my style, but being in a familiar environment was great, good friends, good times.
I will post a couple of pics soon, but I have to resize them.
For the moment I leave you with this great Pink Floyd song,
Cheers everybody,
P.S. If anybody has an XBOX Live! account, my gamertag is rapm1984
Hopefully the weather near your personal burrow is getting better, here at Barna things are starting to look up, last couple of days were sunny and not so windy, so it's safe to say that lady Persephone has finally arrived, but in order to be anally precise and official, let's say that today, March 20th at 17:32 UT spring will arrive with the Spring Equinox. It's really quite interesting how different cultures view something as numerically precise as an Equinox, which from an entirely scientific POV is nothing more than a certain moment of the year in wich the Eart axis tilts neither away nor towards the sun, thus making day and night roughly last the same. Yet, humans, in our endless quest to find meaning to everything, have assigned value and significance to something completely natural, which in my humble opinion is just fascinating. The capacity of human brain to create and express out of randomness and sometimes precise order is amazing, so, I ask you...
does springtime arrival and the equinox have any particular meaning (material or spiritual) to you?
And now for something completely different,
Last week a friend from Venezuela came to visit me. She and I went to high shcool together, she recently moved to Oviedo (Asturias) to begin a training course for the MIR test, basically the test that all M.Ds have to take to begin their graduate studies.
I have to say it was a pretty kickass experience.
We got together with a bunch of people from Maracaibo (and I learned that Poblenou is Miami but next to the Mediterranean Sea) and went out a couple of nights. Thursday we got to this really nice venezuelan restaurant called Taramai (Pere IV for those in barna), had real venezuelan food and then went for a couple of beers at a bar downtown. Friday I took her to a party from my school, our Screenplay teacher was making a little farewell party cause we had our last class that day. I gotta say I'm gonna miss that guy, best teacher I've had in such a freaking long time. Saturday was venezuelan food encore and then we got to this club called Roxy where a the DJ plays latin music all night. Sure, not exactly my style, but being in a familiar environment was great, good friends, good times.
I will post a couple of pics soon, but I have to resize them.
For the moment I leave you with this great Pink Floyd song,
Cheers everybody,
P.S. If anybody has an XBOX Live! account, my gamertag is rapm1984
Un besito babe, y a sonreir!