Hello there,
this is a very quick update, lately I've been kind of busy and I haven't got the time to update anything at all, be SG or blog. I've been working the last ten days and for the next week on a short film from my school. It's a proyect directed by a third course guy named Carles (pretty nice dude) and all the students that sign up do the rest, like photography, sound, editing, art, wardrobe, etc etc...I'm on the art departemt, sort of like a set builder and prop master, but the official position is Art Direction Assistant. I'ts been an awesome job, the sets, extremely low budget as they are, look terrific, the make up and the wardrobe is pretty cool too. I've been posting some pics soon, the last ones I took are not up to my standards for lack of light (which is kinda of ironic, but perfectly logic since we are shooting these scenes on a set build in a basement). I will take some more and post them soon, you'll get to meet the crew and the location, and of course yours truly and the team.
In other news, my dad arrives this saturday for a two week visit, it's gonna be weird since this is the first time in my life that i get to share a trip with my dad and my mom (they divorced when i was 1 year old). I don't feel excited or anything, it's just weird, it's a first.
Also in a completely unrelated issue, my head is a complete mess now, I need to make a decission regarding a very important issue and I'm still not sure, i fuckin hate this feeling.
Anyway, I'll post some picks soon, and if you are good I'll bring cookies.
cheers boys and girls...
P.S. Ok, a couple of old pics...
The last one it's an old one of Araid and me...i miss that girl
this is a very quick update, lately I've been kind of busy and I haven't got the time to update anything at all, be SG or blog. I've been working the last ten days and for the next week on a short film from my school. It's a proyect directed by a third course guy named Carles (pretty nice dude) and all the students that sign up do the rest, like photography, sound, editing, art, wardrobe, etc etc...I'm on the art departemt, sort of like a set builder and prop master, but the official position is Art Direction Assistant. I'ts been an awesome job, the sets, extremely low budget as they are, look terrific, the make up and the wardrobe is pretty cool too. I've been posting some pics soon, the last ones I took are not up to my standards for lack of light (which is kinda of ironic, but perfectly logic since we are shooting these scenes on a set build in a basement). I will take some more and post them soon, you'll get to meet the crew and the location, and of course yours truly and the team.
In other news, my dad arrives this saturday for a two week visit, it's gonna be weird since this is the first time in my life that i get to share a trip with my dad and my mom (they divorced when i was 1 year old). I don't feel excited or anything, it's just weird, it's a first.
Also in a completely unrelated issue, my head is a complete mess now, I need to make a decission regarding a very important issue and I'm still not sure, i fuckin hate this feeling.
Anyway, I'll post some picks soon, and if you are good I'll bring cookies.
cheers boys and girls...
P.S. Ok, a couple of old pics...

The last one it's an old one of Araid and me...i miss that girl
espero que andes muy bien