I just had a very very rough wekeend, how rough? try shooting tape for 22 hours straight...
But here I am, back in one piece.
Here is a little something I've been working on last week, it came to my mind while i was at Premi doing another school work.
Life Itself...
Life is everywhere, wherever you look there's a certainty that you will find life, even where death makes her home you will be able to find her, breaking through. Not only she is everywhere, but everything speaks of life. Life itself does, even the most unnatural man-made object speaks of her. You don't believe me? when you see a city skyline, it's screaming life at you; from the hands that build everything from the ground to those who make them their home, their workplace, their life.
Sometimes you just listen and life speaks, sometimes you have to listen or look harder.
This is what I heard today...human life is like the waves that crash down on the bach...
We are born as a unique drop, one that forms from the heaven of whishes and dreams of those before us. We begin our lives as tiny streams, so simple, so pure...and we start our long journey. As we grow our lives turn into rivers, joining others and growing up. We go through the rapids of change, trying to remain inside the riverbed, one huge ocean of hopes and dreams is our destiny. And so that day comes, we finally arrive at sea, and sea is usually not what we imagined it would be. Sea is so plain, and boring...it looks the same for everyone, until we look harder. At sea we learn of the beauty of calm as we experience the severity of the storms.
But then one day we see it, it's the new coast, the promised land. Our life becomes a wave that crashes down on the beach. We become that single wave that tries to draw the furthest line inland, some of us do, some of us don't, but we all become that wonderful sight that is water becoming foam as it reaches the land.
The beauty of life is that no matter how far we draw that line in the coast, there will be always some other wave willing to overcome it, to go further, to break through, like life itself.
Well, hope you like it...
cheers boys and girls
But here I am, back in one piece.
Here is a little something I've been working on last week, it came to my mind while i was at Premi doing another school work.
Life Itself...
Life is everywhere, wherever you look there's a certainty that you will find life, even where death makes her home you will be able to find her, breaking through. Not only she is everywhere, but everything speaks of life. Life itself does, even the most unnatural man-made object speaks of her. You don't believe me? when you see a city skyline, it's screaming life at you; from the hands that build everything from the ground to those who make them their home, their workplace, their life.
Sometimes you just listen and life speaks, sometimes you have to listen or look harder.

This is what I heard today...human life is like the waves that crash down on the bach...
We are born as a unique drop, one that forms from the heaven of whishes and dreams of those before us. We begin our lives as tiny streams, so simple, so pure...and we start our long journey. As we grow our lives turn into rivers, joining others and growing up. We go through the rapids of change, trying to remain inside the riverbed, one huge ocean of hopes and dreams is our destiny. And so that day comes, we finally arrive at sea, and sea is usually not what we imagined it would be. Sea is so plain, and boring...it looks the same for everyone, until we look harder. At sea we learn of the beauty of calm as we experience the severity of the storms.
But then one day we see it, it's the new coast, the promised land. Our life becomes a wave that crashes down on the beach. We become that single wave that tries to draw the furthest line inland, some of us do, some of us don't, but we all become that wonderful sight that is water becoming foam as it reaches the land.
The beauty of life is that no matter how far we draw that line in the coast, there will be always some other wave willing to overcome it, to go further, to break through, like life itself.

Well, hope you like it...
cheers boys and girls
Sometimes we are so immerse in the daily basis that we forget how beautiful life is and how beautiful the world is. Is true sometimes we are like distracted or we just simply don't wanna see further. I don't really know why i lost that spark that made me see the beauty of everything, everyday; but i want to take it back.
Thanks for this post my friend, it reminded me that happiness isnt something that you look for, is not an object, is inside you, just let it arise. "we all have a phoenix inside us, just let it rise"...