*yawn*... I'm sooo tired. Worked until midnight last night, and I was out and about all day. Had a doctor's appointment, went to see a movie, went to lunch with a friend, etc. etc.
Thanks to everyone that expressed their condolences about my mother. *hugs*
It's so great seeing people's reactions when they come into the store... some act like they own the place, and others get really nervous or giggly. As though we don't sell that stuff to people every day. Yeesh! We know what you're going to do with it. And we don't care. Obviously if you buy a pack of whipped cream cartridges, you're NOT going to go make homemade whipped cream.
Thanks to everyone that expressed their condolences about my mother. *hugs*
It's so great seeing people's reactions when they come into the store... some act like they own the place, and others get really nervous or giggly. As though we don't sell that stuff to people every day. Yeesh! We know what you're going to do with it. And we don't care. Obviously if you buy a pack of whipped cream cartridges, you're NOT going to go make homemade whipped cream.

I guess. I like the fact that you're selling them with the balloons. I had a friend in college who's father was a dentist... there were some interesting late night runs to pick up nitrous...
...I always buy those for whipped cream.....