This weekend was busy. Sunday I went into Boston to visit a friend @ Harvard... much fun was had. We ate huge vegan waffles and wandered around the dorms, which have "secret staircases" and the like.
When I came back, our dorm had a lengthy discussion about affirmative action. There were many anti-Bush sentiments. Hurrah! Then I had a girly sleepover with movies and popcorn and snuggling.
Today, in honor of MLK Day, we had to watch a movie and attend discussions. I went to one about gay & lesbians in the civil rights movement, which was really informative. It's embarassing to say that I hadn't really known that much about Harvey Milk before.
Wow, my school is so diverse, it's just awesome. But it's also such a bubble... it will be so weird when we go back out into the real world. Everyone is so conscious about multiculturalism and being pc. And everyone is all mixed in... people from different countries and backgrounds... but I know when I leave here, most places are still VERY segregated within residential areas and the workplace.
When I came back, our dorm had a lengthy discussion about affirmative action. There were many anti-Bush sentiments. Hurrah! Then I had a girly sleepover with movies and popcorn and snuggling.

Today, in honor of MLK Day, we had to watch a movie and attend discussions. I went to one about gay & lesbians in the civil rights movement, which was really informative. It's embarassing to say that I hadn't really known that much about Harvey Milk before.
Wow, my school is so diverse, it's just awesome. But it's also such a bubble... it will be so weird when we go back out into the real world. Everyone is so conscious about multiculturalism and being pc. And everyone is all mixed in... people from different countries and backgrounds... but I know when I leave here, most places are still VERY segregated within residential areas and the workplace.

Don't you just wanna hug me?