Yay, the "fire show" went off without a hitch. Even in the rain. On the fucking roof with the NYC lights behind. It was perfect.
to everyone who set that up, and everyone who partied.
These past six days have been so intense, and now I have to start school tomorrow! I'm not ready in any way.
This morning I felt sooooo sick. I probably caught something from all the sharing of drinks.
Damn. Oh well. It was fun anyway.
Last night rocked... I loaned out my white whore and drank some girls' pink pussies.
And De La Guarda was fabulous. Tom, you are a true hero for making everyone feel so welcome, and Luna & Freyja for being perfect hosts, even when people spilled stuff on your floor.
to my new Bathroom Girls... tits unite!
And GIANT HUGS to lulina for the being the best travel buddy I could ever hope for. If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be trying to navigate the grid system in East Village!
Now I'm off to bed, cause it's snowing and I think I have to shovel snow in the morning.

These past six days have been so intense, and now I have to start school tomorrow! I'm not ready in any way.
This morning I felt sooooo sick. I probably caught something from all the sharing of drinks.

Last night rocked... I loaned out my white whore and drank some girls' pink pussies.

And De La Guarda was fabulous. Tom, you are a true hero for making everyone feel so welcome, and Luna & Freyja for being perfect hosts, even when people spilled stuff on your floor.

And GIANT HUGS to lulina for the being the best travel buddy I could ever hope for. If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be trying to navigate the grid system in East Village!

Now I'm off to bed, cause it's snowing and I think I have to shovel snow in the morning.
your whore was wonderful.