Hi! I was extremely productive this weekend. I painted the background of AmyDoll's painting, put my portfolio together, tooks some more photos...
AND I FINALLY posted my set this evening. Check it out if you wanna and let me know whatcha think.
I also saw Sin City opening night and it was extremely Bad Ass. Exactly how a comic book movie should be...exactly like the comic.
Umm...what else...bleh Curves is going great and I have worked out everyday...that has been nice.
Well I know it's short but I be tired...hope everyone is wonderful!
Kinky love ya!
AND I FINALLY posted my set this evening. Check it out if you wanna and let me know whatcha think.
I also saw Sin City opening night and it was extremely Bad Ass. Exactly how a comic book movie should be...exactly like the comic.
Umm...what else...bleh Curves is going great and I have worked out everyday...that has been nice.
Well I know it's short but I be tired...hope everyone is wonderful!
Kinky love ya!
And hello to you too!