I think that way too sometimes. In fact, there's days where I just inexplicably feel like every single thing around me is so shit it's almost unbearable. Without being overly dramatic, it very nearly killed me. These days I've learnt how to take a step back from the stuff that goes through my head and clear up the mess. Nothing is ever as bad as what my mind can convince me it is.
I'll tell you about it sometime. I sure don't want to depress you with my blah, but seriously, talking about things always helps me get through shitty times.
I'm not feeling too great. I think it's inherited allergies or something. (Don't forget about Cheyenne's birthday coming up. xoxo) Dakota's been a bully in school. He likes hitting other kids, and stealing from them. I have to meet w/ his teacher and councelor. Cheyenne loves to copy just about everything I do. I think she's going to be a stripper when she grows up,... Read More
hope you feel better soon hun, dont worry about the boy im sure he will grow out of it they usually do is cheyenne looking forward to her birthday? my daughter hasnt got a birthday till october and shes already going on about it
Koi show was alright. They didn't have too much to look at this time. They also didn't have any tasty Asian food or Geisha dancers. They just had some band playing country, and BBQ to eat. Btw, I joined myspace, too...if you'd like to talk to me on there. If you know American_xile, he's on myspace and wants to chat. (He can't go on SG,... Read More
yay i'm on myspace too, i always said i'd never join it but gave in in the end - a friend a wanted to chat to couldn't go on certain sites also.
you are definately going on my top 8 friends list
hows the lil' ones?
You may think this sounds boring, but I'm going to a koi and goldfish show this weekend. They only have it twice a year with a different Japanese koi breeder. I like looking at all the different colors of koi, and trying to learn the Japanese names. Plus it's something I get to enjoy with my kids.
Oh, and would you give me some testimonial... Read More
I made up a wishlist for Cheyenne's birthday. Her bday is in June, but I went ahead and made one early. (I'm a poor lil' beotch )(Yes, there's a lot of things on there. I tried to put a majority of things I know she'd love, and a few things she needs.) So, if you want to get my very unspoiled little sweetheart something, then... Read More
those are great pictures!!!! They seem so much older than the last time you showd us pics likw wow older. that dog looks great!!!! looks all bad ass and ready to protect!!