In other news, I am going with Dakota to meet his teacher, etc. at his school. He starts on Monday. That is going to be so wierd being away from him. He goes from about 7:45 to 2:45. I shaved his hair down, because they don't allow color or "outrageous" hairstyles.
But oh well, shit happens. I'm just glad that I can do anything I want to my body and hair without someone saying that I can't.
My bday is in about 16 days, and I am contemplating on what I want to do. I may have my brother watch the kids, and go dance, drink, and party.
Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
So what are you up to this weekend?

So what are you up to this weekend?

I think they just try to ween any free thought out of you from an early age.
It's only a hairstyle after all.