Man, I just rented "Million Dollar Baby" thinking it would be a good chic kicking ass flick, and boy was I wrong. It ended up to be a drama, that's pretty damn sad.
When I went to Hollywood video to rent the movie, 2 different people said that Dakota's mohawk is bad ass. So that made me happy. Thank you for all of your thoughtful ideas for my boy's birthday!! I still have his wishlist up, if you would like to get him a gift. ♥ ♥ ♥
Has anyone seen Nine Inch Nails or Papa Roach in concert?

Hilary Swank

I rentewd that movie two nights ago. I was alright. Hill Swank is fine in that movie, ya think? Last night I wen t o see Wedding Crashers with my best friend and his wife. It was fuckin' hilarious!! I was supposed to go play darts at The Mix, but I went there instead. Tonight I'm going to trow darts finally.