I hate the apts. I live at. The a/c sucks ass. I shot off some fireworks for the 4th of July with my nephew and neice, and people were yelling their asses off at us to cut it out. (And no, I wasn't doing it super early in the morning or anything). I took them swimming, and my nephew's nose started bleeding. This fat bitch that was at the pool with her son asked rudely,"What's wrong with him?" I told her, and she was telling her son,"Hurry, get out of the water!" Then she comes over to me, and says,"Can u hand me those noodles?" Her son was like,"I'll get them mom." And she was like,"No, don't get in that water!" Fuck! What does she think my nephew's little nose bleed is going to put some disease in the water? Gimme a fuckin break. Everyone pisses, and fucks in the pool. Doesn't she think about that? Dur. She's always being a rude bitch to me, whenever I am outside. I think she hates how I dress, and look. Makes me wanna stick my finger in one of my holes, and then shove it up her nose. She'll either get punk rock pussy, or asshole surprise. haha. Yeah, I know, it's sick, but some people force me to think that way. haha.

Florida is seriously great though. It's such a different world from where I'm from! I'd love to live down here for a few months.
I'm sure I'm gonna sound like a total loser right now, but I just looked through your pic folders and I must say, you definetly live up to the occupation you listed.