Well, I saw Fantastic Four. I thought it was pretty good. And I think Jessica Alba is hawt!! Oh, and if you happened to have glanced at my wish list for any reason, then you will see that I have a Jessica Alba blanket in there from her in Sin City. That would be something nice to cuddle with.
I've always liked Marvel comics, and I am looking forward to all the other comic books that are soon coming out as movies. I saw on some sight photos of Charlize Theron coming out in the Aeon Flux movie. I hope she does a good job. I also heard they are bringing out Venom in the new Spiderman 3 movie, but that was just rumors. If they actually do, then that will rock, cuz I think Venom is the shit.
That's all for now.


Wow!! YOU replyed to my journal!! I read your journal alot.
You're cool.