Chey's doing alot better now. She just has a bad cough. I'm surviving myself. I'm kind of stunned, cuz Dakota's birthday is coming on Aug. 3rd, and he'll be 6. He's hardcore into trying to skateboard, and also is really into military. ( I made a wishlist for him like usual, and nobody is obligated to get him anything, but those of you that do help out alot. Thank you very much. ) Then sometime in August he will be starting school again. I hope this year goes alot better than the last. I have a dentist appointment coming up. I dread going, but I know it's for the best. After my checkup and cleaning, I am going to have to have major work done....wisdom teeth removed, a broken molar repaired or pulled, etc. I'm probably going to see about getting that invisiline done to straighten my teeth, and get a whitening or something. lol. (boring, I know). Well, I'm going to add some new pics on here for you to check out.
Hope your weekend is relaxing or fun.

you have no idea how much it's cheered me up to hear from you again. i was wondering where you went but just skimmed through your journals to find out.
sexy pics hun
The really crappy design has meant I only really log on here every now and then...things are just too crazy at work and home at the moment to get on here every day and spend hours battling what has become a veritable communication minefield.
So, huge apologies for being a lame friend, and I'll try to visit here more often and keep better contact.
Don't the birthdays just fly by??!! My little guy just celebrated his 4th and we can barely believe it. This year was a far more low key affair, with not as many kids as the previous one.