Hello sexies. Well, I've still heard nothing from the sis. Times are getting slightly better. Chey is still pretty sick, and I myself am slightly. I've changed my hair again, for the millionth time. Hope all is well w/ all of you.
Oh, and for those of you who like the tough talk (I guess it turns you on).....I can't be a hardcore boss bitch all the time, I have too much kindness in my nature. I just don't handle small time bitches and assholes too well. Oh, and one more thing...if anyone doesn't like what I have to say then I have two words for you....."Eat"...."Me"!

Oh, and for those of you who like the tough talk (I guess it turns you on).....I can't be a hardcore boss bitch all the time, I have too much kindness in my nature. I just don't handle small time bitches and assholes too well. Oh, and one more thing...if anyone doesn't like what I have to say then I have two words for you....."Eat"...."Me"!

hope you guys are feelin better