I'm just going to say what's on my mind. I am me: nothing more, nothing less..... nothing ordinary, nothing special. I truly have no friends except for you people on SG, which is fine for me. I am a loner anyway. For some reason anytime I talk to people, they don't get me. I mean come on, I'm not complicated....I'm not perfect. What do people expect? Why is it that you people are so much more understanding and openminded than others. I am so tired of meeting people who wear a fucking mask to try and make others feel that they are something they're not. Why can't people just be themselves, and quit trying to be so deceptive and playing all these damn mind games. See, I live a pretty pathetic life. I haven't had a friend for about 8 years, and a majority of the time I don't even give a shit if I make friends with people or not. Why are all of you so different? I mean I feel like I could be dieing in a crowd of people, and noone would notice or care. But on here, it's a different story, you people are so caring and sweet. Hell, I don't even see why any of you even have me as a friend. I guess here in the real world all you really have is yourself. And for all of you SG friends...all I can think of to say is "Thank you". If I didn't have you, I would have noone. Which in turn I probably wouldn't be around. So, everyone think what you want of me, just know that I am truly sensitive, and words do wound or heal me.
Perhaps they will realise and see you are a great person and not some one to loose as a friend. You are special and let no one else tell you different.