I'm not feeling too great. I think it's inherited allergies or something.
(Don't forget about Cheyenne's birthday coming up. xoxo) Dakota's been a bully in school. He likes hitting other kids, and stealing from them.
I have to meet w/ his teacher and councelor. Cheyenne loves to copy just about everything I do. I think she's going to be a stripper when she grows up, because she loves to dance holding on to tables (like it's a pole), and shaking her ass up and down. It's funny as hell to watch. She'll say " Look momma...I'm shaking my ass." lol

hope you feel better soon hun, dont worry about the boy im sure he will grow out of it they usually do
is cheyenne looking forward to her birthday? my daughter hasnt got a birthday till october and shes already going on about it

Oh dear, allergies really are no fun.