Man I feel like shit. (emotionally). I just received an email from my brother, and he all of a sudden wrote all kinds of bad things about me how he doesn't want to keep in contact with me anymore. How I'm not worth his time, etc etc. Have I done anything to him? No. He lives in Washington, and we were keeping in touch by email, because he's busy teaching Tae Kwon Do. He even wrote about things that I supposedly had done wrong to him 16 years ago, which is complete bullshit. And besides "16 years" ago? Damn. See, he actually is my half brother. (on my dads side). I've seen him maybe 5 times in my life, but I've felt close to him because of blood, etc. I just don't understand how he can be so hurtful and full of lies about things that aren't even reality, and from so far back in the past. He sounded insane in his email. It made me feel like shit. I was crying my ass off, and shaking like a freaking chihuahua. Hell, even my sister cares nothing for me. She's too busy conning my parents out of money, and doing some hard core shit. I don't want to come across as gossiping or anything, but I have noone left. Just me, my kids, and my parents. No other family. Maybe I am not worth anyone's time, maybe I just make a good doormat for when anyone feels like just walking all over me.

Dont let anyone tell you different!!!
people are just jealous of how cool you are and they are not!