Thank you all for the sweet comments on my pics!
I am so excited, because I am moving into my rental house this week. So, I won't be staying in this shit hole of an apartment. I was so pissed, because the bitch downstairs was banging on her ceiling, so that I'd hear it through the floor. She did it throughout her house. I went down to see what the problem was, and she was saying that my kids are playing too loud. For one, they weren't...for two, it was before 10 pm. So, later kids were playing with the Roxie pupster, and then there's a knock on the door. Guess who? The cops! The dumb bitch called the cops on me, cuz my kids were having some fun with the puppy. And trust me, they weren't even being that loud. But there's no worries, cuz on my last night here....there will be plenty of payback. Oh, incase you are curious....fireworks real late at night, dog shit under her car door handle, etc. So that should be fun. I am not sure when I will be able to get back on SG, because of the moving, etc. But, if you happen to feel like getting something for a house warming type thing, then I have some stuff on my wishlist. I will get it, cuz my lease isn't expired until Jan. 1st, plus I will have in a change of address form. ;P So, I just want you to know that you are loved, and you'll hear from me soon. (hopefully) xoxoxoxo

thanks for the xmas wishes. things were tough, first holiday after my dad passed, but the whole family pulled together and made it work. i think it brought us all closer.
i know how stressful crappy neighbours can be, so i really hope the new place brings you happiness and more peace of mind.
take care!
At least you're outta there now. Good luck in the new place.