I now have two pets, Orandas. Which are fancy goldfish. An orange and black, and red and white. No dog yet. Things didn't turn out with getting a Boxer. So instead, in December, I will have an American Bulldog. Everything is set up for it. The mom dog is due at any time now, and I will be getting first pick.
So that's cool. Besides that, Dakota is going on his first field trip this week to learn about plants, and stuff.
So that should be interesting. I am shocked, because I found out that he is approx 3 inches shy of being 4 ft. tall. Geez. As for Cheyenne, she seems to be learning everything very rapidly, and growing fast as well. As for myself, I'm surviving.
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aw, kiddies. how old are they?
What do those goldfish look like ?