Spent the last 4 days training the Afghan Police force. I can not think of anything that is more of a waste of time. Every night most of these guys get hashed out of their minds anyway. Whats the point?
But we tried to teach them some stuff. The only good part was the hand to hand combat techniques.
So after training them we let...
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But we tried to teach them some stuff. The only good part was the hand to hand combat techniques.
So after training them we let...
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Well at least there was some fun, right?
Thanks, hun! We get to move in May 1. But we get the keys next Friday, so we can slowly move in before then, but it's official as of May 1!!!! 

So it's been a while since I wrote anything. I would say its about 50% because nothing has been happening out here and 50% because i'm pretty sure nobody reads this anyway.
So basicaly I'm tired of Afghanistan. I am tired of this unit and how it treats people. I am tired of not being able to speak my mind. Over the past month I...
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So basicaly I'm tired of Afghanistan. I am tired of this unit and how it treats people. I am tired of not being able to speak my mind. Over the past month I...
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How much longer do you have in the Army?
good luck with keeping it together.it seems like a lot of people go through the rediscovery of themselves. the world needs more people like you in it. stay positiv
So I had a pretty quiet day today. Finally got a little time to catch my breath and just take in the new year. I took my driver to the promotion board today and he finally passed on his second try at it. After that I went and qualified on my weapons...My whole team shot expert so I cant really complain. That was about it....
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your chest piece is amazing
Hey you, it was nice meeting you. Glad you were able to stop by. Sweet tats too hotstuff. ;-)
Things never change out here. Another day another mission. At least I can say I get to come home this year. I havent used the phone in weeks and dont intend to anytime soon. There is really nobody to call anymore. I need something to take my mind off of this place I'm stuck in right now. any suggestions?
Excellent taste in music, sir. Seriously excellent.
So here it is almost new years. Just thinking back on the last few years. This time last year I was hanging out in Amsterdam. Now im sitting here in Afghanistan halfway through another deployment. Back to German for about 6 months after this...then who knows where I'll be going next.
On a brighter not though, I ordered $200 worth of random cd's (mostly from...
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On a brighter not though, I ordered $200 worth of random cd's (mostly from...
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