Well so far this year is great for concerts. Saw Rob Zombie last saturday, was a great show, and Soulfly at the end of april. I have tickets for Tool jul 9th and Hed PE jul 23thrd. Hoping to see BLS this fall hopefully they will come to bc. Rob Zombie and Hed pe have been at the top of my list to see live for a long time. Sick year for concerts. Other than that not much going on. Herbs, work, booze and sleep. I need find me a new woman. Reminds me I got hit on at the soulfly concert but i had my head up my ass lol... anyways....
More Blogs
Saturday Jan 23, 2010
well I rolled and smoked a ft long joint, was hard to roll, but it di… -
Tuesday Dec 29, 2009
well I am at a miss at what to do with myself, having a live in girlf… -
Friday Dec 25, 2009
Merry Xmas to whoever is having a good one, I supose. I on the other … -
Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
Well things are getting better, I can accept that she is gone, and I … -
Saturday Dec 19, 2009
Well my Girlfriend left me today, feeling pretty shitty so why not po… -
Thursday Nov 05, 2009
Been busy... have gone to a few concerts recently... Gojira, In flam… -
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
I am amazed at how after dating a chick for a month things can change… -
Friday May 29, 2009
I am now in a exclusive relationship... things are deffinatly moving … -
Sunday May 10, 2009
Had my first date in ages today... it was a nice change. -
Saturday May 02, 2009
Well crackheads stole my fucking boat... awesome...